Mangos Mail

Reseller Policy

Effective Date: October 24, 2023.

Mangos Mail ("we," "us," "us" or "our") welcomes Resellers interested in offering our email marketing services to their customers. This Reseller Policy describes the terms and conditions for becoming a Mangos Mail Reseller and how you can resell our services. By participating in our Reseller Program, you agree to comply with this policy.

Become a Reseller

To become a Mangos Mail Reseller, you must meet the following criteria:

Application: Submit an application to become a Reseller, providing all necessary information and documentation.

Approval: We will review your application and determine if it meets our acceptance criteria.

Training: If approved, you will receive training and access to Reseller resources to help you understand our services and promote them effectively to your customers.


As a Mangos Mail Reseller, you accept the following responsibilities:

Promotion: You are responsible for promoting Mango Mail's email marketing services to your customers using our provided marketing materials.

Customer Management: You will manage and provide support to your customers who use Mangos Mail services, including assisting them with account setup and troubleshooting.

Billing: You may set your own prices for our services when reselling them to your customers. It is your responsibility to invoice and collect payments from your customers.

Compliance: You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including data protection and anti-spam laws, when reselling our services.

Reseller Pricing

Mangos Mail offers competitive pricing for Resellers, allowing you to set your own pricing when offering our services to your customers. Specific pricing details will be provided once you are approved as a Reseller.


Mangos Mail provides support and resources to help Resellers succeed in their partnership with us. You will have access to our support team for assistance with technical and account related issues.


Mangos Mail reserves the right to terminate the Reseller agreement if you fail to comply with this policy or engage in activities detrimental to our brand or reputation.

Changes in the Reseller Policy

We may update this Reseller Policy to reflect changes to our program or to address new issues that may arise. We will provide notice of significant updates through the Mangos Mail Reseller portal or by email.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need more information about our Reseller Program, please contact us at

Address: Av. Alvaro Obregón # 151, Piso 13, Int. 1301, Col. Roma Norte, C.P. 06700, Alcaldía Cuahutémoc, Mexico City.

Teléfono: +52 1 55 2230-1576 / +1 888 2727 785